Check out our latest market update, featuring trends and statistics for the second quarter of 2021 in the office, industrial and retail markets.
Q1 2021 Market Update Trouble viewing? Click here
The fourth quarter in Wichita continued with second and third quarter trends for the most part, seeing increased vacancies across the market – primarily in retail and office. However, multiple…
The third quarter in the Wichita commercial real estate market saw trends in line with national predictions. Office and retail saw increased vacancy as businesses continue to operate differently due to the pandemic.
During the second quarter of 2020 activity in the commercial real estate market slowed, but there was still movement seen in all submarkets. Office, retail and industrial all saw an…
The first quarter of 2020 ended with a series of events unlike anything that has been seen – the economy was essentially shuttered as the world combatted a global pandemic. The effects of these past few months will likely be felt for years to come.
We are glad to present our Q4 2019 Wichita Market Update. Learn about the trends and statistics the commercial real estate market saw during the fourth quarter! Q4 2019 Market…
We are glad to present our Q3 2019 Wichita Market Update. Learn about the trends and statistics the commercial real estate market saw during the third quarter! Q3 2019 Market…
We are glad to present our Q2 2019 Wichita Market Update. Learn about the trends and statistics the commercial real estate market saw during the second quarter!
We are glad to present our Q1 2019 Wichita Market Update. Learn about the trends and statistics the commercial real estate market saw during the first quarter!
We are glad to present our Q4 2018 Wichita Market Update. Learn about the trends and statistics the commercial real estate market saw during the fourth quarter!
We are glad to present our Q3 2018 Wichita Market Update. Learn about the trends and statistics the commercial real estate market saw during the third quarter!
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