Steve Martens Sits On NAI Global Panel To Discuss Networking Through Community Leadership

Last week a group of our company leaders went to Houston to take part in NAI Global‘s Leadership Summit. CEO Steve Martens sat on a panel for the session “Alternative Ways to Network” and discussed becoming involved in community leadership.

This is a topic on which Steve is more than qualified to speak, given his commitment to the Wichita community. Steve has been a driving force for the Wichita, dedicating countless hours to chairing or sitting on boards. He has been involved with numerous organizations with goals of both benefiting the less fortunate in the community as well as driving economic expansion and development in the region.

Multiple awards and recognitions have acknowledged Steve’s efforts. In 2013, he was named Philanthropist of the Year by the Wichita Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. The next year NAI Global recognized Steve with the Pillar of the Community Award. Additionally, in 2018 he received the Kansas Chapter CCIM & WSU Center for Real Estate Lifetime Achievement Award for his decades of work in the industry.

Steve has served as charter board chair for the Greater Wichita Economic Development Coalition, campaign chair for United Way of the Plains, member of the Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors and been part of numerous other organizations. Most recently, he joined the board for DCCCA, an organization aimed at providing valuable human services to improve quality of life for both adults and youth and attended the opening of the new Wichita facility.

Steve’s commitment to the city and efforts to grow and improve it for the benefit of the community has set an example for the rest of the company. Martens Companies team members take part in a range of volunteer opportunities, including United Way, the Greater Wichita Partnership and the Wichita Historic Preservation Board.

The Martens Companies are fortunate to have a leader dedicated to not only the good of the company but the overall health of the community and its future.